Our services

Service Description

Service: Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Service Description:

IAQ is defined as the ‘freshness’ and ‘cleanliness’ of the air quality within and around buildings and structures. This is of paramount importance as it relates to the health and comfort of the occupants of such buildings and structures. The IAQ can be affected by gases, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, radon, ozone and volatile organic compounds, as well as by particulates and microbial contaminants (mold and bacteria). Such substances and chemicals, or any other mass or energy stressor, has the potential to induce adverse health conditions and ‘Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)’. Through IAQ assessments, we can quantitively determine the type of air pollutants and provide recommendations and remediation solutions. 

Over the last two decades, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building programs and Well Building Standard Certification (WELL) have risen in popularity, primarily due to the focus on sustainable living. It is imperative that the environment that we live in, be it our homes or our workspaces are built to accommodate our comfort, health and wellbeing, without compromising on environmental sustainability as well. Here at Axiom Laboratory, we have qualified specialists capable of providing world-renowned plans and solutions to ensure that the premise in question meets global sustainability standards.


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